BJP AND OWAISI. A SSADUDIN OWAISI HAS BEEN THE TALK OF THE TOWN FOR MEDIA. HE IS SUDDENLY BEEN GIVEN ALL THE ATTENTION ANY POLITICIAN WOULD SET HIS HEART ON. INSPITE OF THE FACT THAT BJP CLAIMS OWAISI TO BE THEIR EXTREME RIVAL, IT IS NOT WELL HIDDEN THAT OWAISI CARRIES THE FLAVOURS THAT GO WELL WITH BJP'S AGENDA. OWAISI HAS SHOWN HIS MIGHT IN BIHAR ELECTION WHERE HE HELPED NDA RETAIN POWER BY GETTING CONSIDERABLE MUSLIM VOTES AND GIVING AN EDGE TO NDA IN CLOSE CONTESTED SEATS. AIMIM CHEIF WITH OM PRAKASH RAJBHAR Muslim Indians are more likely than the country's Hindus and members of all other religions - including those who don't belong to a religious group - to be "suffering." One-third (32%) of the country's Muslims are suffering. Gallup classifies respondents as "thriving," "struggling," or "suffering" according to how they rate their current and future lives on a ladder scale with steps numbered from 0 to 10 based on the Cantr...